February 29, 2016

February Recap

Happy Leap Day!

I've always found Leap Year to be such a strange concept. It's not as bad as Daylight Saving Time, but it's still bizarre.

February has been a crazy month. There has been so much going on! The Pilot finished training and started passenger flights again and he's so happy with this new airline, with the crews he's flying with, and with his overnights. I can't wait to start going on some of them with him again! I haven't been on an overnight with The Pilot in 3 years!

The end of this month looks wildly different for me than the beginning of this month did - in a really good way. I'm starting to feel better about this whole "adulting" thing and that's a really good place to be. I'm 29 now, maybe by 30 I'll be able to say I've figured it out!

Here's a look at how my month went:

Miles Run: 31

Minutes of Yoga:  735

Books Read: 4

Trips Taken: 1
  • A quick trip to New Jersey
Snow Days Used: 0 (but not for lack of snow!)

New Recipes Made: ??? (I didn't keep track)

Blog Posts Written: 19
30 Before 30 Items Completed: 0

  • An awesome new opportunity
  • Getting really close to finishing my 30-day yoga challenge
  • Not being able to take a trip for mine and The Pilot's birthdays
  • A blizzard/ice storm on my birthday that caused me to fall and hit my head
The Month Ahead:

Looking forward to:
  • Ramping up training for the Blue Ridge Half-Marathon
Challenges to take on: 
  • PT exercises and/or foam rolling every day
To Do:
  • Update my blog's travel page (which I was supposed to do last month)
  • Finish decluttering our apartment
  • Plan social media posts for my blog posts 
So that's how the month went! I ran more and practiced more yoga than I did in January, which is a step in the right direction. I didn't run as much as I wanted to or should have with training starting, but I'm working on it. 

I think where I really fell flat was with meal planning. It didn't really happen this month. I was so good about in January that the only times I went out for food were when I planned to, whereas this month, I spent a lot of money that I didn't need to spend because I didn't meal plan. My sister sent me a new app to try out and I need to make it a priority because the biggest reason I always fail to meal plan is because of how time-consuming it is . 

I have plans to cross two things off of my 30 before 30 list tomorrow, so I'm ok with not crossing any off in February. 

Last month, I said I would set up my home office, finish my taxes, and buy a new PC. Well, my home office is still a work in progress, but it's functional. My taxes are finished but not filed,  and I'm typing on my new PC as we speak, so I call it a success! I also found it really easy to spend one night each week with no computer or TV so I'll plan to keep that up this month!

That's how my month shaped up! How did yours?
What are you looking forward to in March?

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