September 30, 2016

Reading Lately: September (Harry Potter and some Tear Jerkers)

September has been a great month for good books! After what felt like an endless string of bad books, I kind of gave up on reading anything new and launched into rereading the Harry Potter series to avoid reading another bad book. Two fifteen hour flights this month gave me ample time for reading so I've almost caught up on my GoodReads challenge!

Here's a look at what I've read this month:

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" by JK Rowling - I hated this book. I couldn't believe that this actually went to publication. If you haven't read it, here's the spolier-free premise: Harry Potter's son uses a time turner to try to change something that happened when his dad was in school. The only logical explanation I can give for this book it that J.K. Rowling was under the Imperius Cursed when she wrote this, and I refuse to believe the argument that "she didn't write it" because her name is the first name on the book and she has given more than enough interviews touting how proud she is of this project.

"The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry" by Gabrielle Zevin - I read this book at Kristen's recommendation and absolutely loved it. It's a beautiful story about a young, grouchy bookstore owner on a small island in New England. It will move you to tears but it's one of the best books I've read this year.

"Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies" by JK Rowling (Pottermore Presents, #1) - I read through these Harry Potter e-books on the flight to Australia in about two hours. I really liked them. They offered insight into some of the characters' histories and some fun back story. My favorites were about Professors McGonagall and Lupin.

Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists by JK Rowling (Pottermore Presents, #2) 

Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide (Pottermore Presents, #3) by JK Rowling - I loved the stories in this one, especially about how King's Cross Station came to be!

"The Messenger" by Markus Zusak -  I loved this book. It was so different and had such a unique story. I didn't know Markus Zusak was Australian when I picked this book up in Sydney will looking for something by an Australian author. The Book Thief is one of my all time favorite books and I think book really shows Zusak's talent and diversity as a writer.

"Lilac Girls" by Martha Hall Kelly - This was a really difficult book to read but it's a story that O think needed to be told and I'm glad I read it. A WWII historical fiction novel, Lilac Girls follows three women and their experiences during the war. Caroline, a New York actress and debutante working at the French embassy trying to send supplies to French orphans, Kasia, a young Polish girl sent to Ravensbruk as a political prisoners with her mother and sister, and Herta, a young German doctor, faithful to the Nazi party and the German cause, sent to Ravensbruck to be the "doctor" at the camp. This book was shocking and harrowing. I knew I'd Ravensbruck but I never knew it was an all female concentration camp strictly for political prisoners and "enemies of state," rather than Jews, though many Jews were later sent there when the Germany started losing the war.

I picked up a lot new books at Little Free Libraries all over DC last year so my to-read list is a little out of control. My goal for the next month is to start chipping away at those books so that 1) I can read more! And 2) I can make room on my shelves for more books!

What have you been reading lately? You can link up with Carolann and me below!
Happy Reading!

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