August 22, 2016

Coffee Date: August Edition

It has been an exhausting month.

We moved into our new apartment on July 30th. I didn't take any time off from work and getting settled in was pretty tough. My mom came down the following weekend to help us get settled in, and, while she was a huge help and our apartment is starting to look great, we still have 5 boxes that are unpacked and it still takes me 30 minutes to piece together an outfit in the morning.

I left for Seattle on August 10th and, because of major storms and cancellations, ended up leaving my Air B&B in Vancouver at 5am Sunday, missing 3 flights, flying to Houston, missing a flight, flying to Dallas, booking a hotel room for 4 hours, and waking up Monday morning to fly back to DC on a 6am flight. I landed, headed home to take a shower and hopped in an uber to the office just in time for a 12:00 meeting.

Last week was a quick week and on Friday afternoon, Peyton and I were in the car driving up to NJ for the weekend. I originally wasn't planning to leave until Saturday afternoon but my mom promised to take me to the beach on Saturday, and that was enticing enough. Saturday's Beach Day was glorious. It had been ages since my last trip and it was exactly what I needed. 

Sunday, we went to our nephew's Christening and, after all of our flight options for the night got canceled, we hopped in the car and got back to DC just before midnight.

Today is supposed to be my first day of marathon training. I wanted to take the week after Sea Wheeze off to recover, especially since. I had some post-run knee pain, and I did but ever since I came back from the West Coast, I haven't been able to pull myself out of bed before 8am. This morning is beautiful in DC. Cool, breezy...perfect for running. No matter what, I need to get in a run today. It will have to be after work, but it'll happen.

This week isn't going to slow down any either. I'm heading out to Raleigh for work, coming back to DC, and then going to a wedding in Connecticut  this weekend. 

I can't wait for Labor Day weekend, when I can finally take some time to relax...lounge poolside, maybe visit a museum or two, go for a hike, who knows? As long as it's local, because, after months of trying to figure out where to go, The Pilot have finally planned our anniversary trip and it's going to be incredible!

But I have to finish telling you about Paris before I tell you where we're going!

My goal for this week (aside from kicking off marathon training) is to finish all of my Paris posts and actually get back into a rhythm with my blog because I miss it!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?
Don't forget, the Beyond Bloggers Book Club link up is this Friday! 

You can link up about anything you've been reading lately, but our pick for this month is "Salt to Sea" by Ruta Sepetys. You can vote on next month's pick in our poll here

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