June 8, 2018

Back to Blogging

Wow! I can't believe it's been three months since my last post! This is definitely the longest I've gone without writing and while, my absences from this little blog have become more frequent than I'd like over the last two years, this time around, I think I needed the break.

Today, I'm writing not just to catch up and fill space on this blog but to start an earnest commitment to getting back to blogging. Lately, I've realized that a lot of the pressure I've been putting on myself to work outside the typical 9-5 is self-imposed and I'm desperately trying to scale back and work normal hours so that outside of work, I can do things like run, blog, adventure around Baltimore, and spend time with friends.

The last time I posted, I was in Hawaii and ended up staying there 3 days longer than planned due to flight availability and maybe a little bit of my unwillingness to leave 80 degree Hawaii and head back to 40 degree DC. That trip was so restorative and I'm honestly still living a high from how good that trip was!

Since coming back from Hawaii, we've hosted a lot of friends in Baltimore which has been a great way for me to finally get out and do some exploring around my new city! We've taken a few trips to TX and NJ to visit family, and have only made it to one baseball game (during which it rained the entire time).

The Pilot and I have both been working a lot but we've also been working on our house. Unfortunately, most of the projects we've done around the house have been things we needed to do that popped up on us, instead of things we actually wanted to do which has been really frustrating but, I guess that's homeownership for you!

As I'm making an effort to get back to blogging, here's what you can expect to see from me this month:
  • A recap of my Hawaii trip with some tips for anyone planning a trip to Oahu;
  • An update on how our house is coming along, six months later;
  • A glimpse into what my days look like both when I'm working from home and when I'm commuting to DC'
  • A recipe or two that I've been cooking up in my head; and
  • Our next trip to Europe (location TBD despite the fact that this trip is coming up really soon).
I hope you'll follow along as I get back to writing more in this space and that you'll let me know what else you'd like to see! I've thought a lot over these last few months about this blog and what I keep coming back to is how many ideas I have for it! So, it's time to put those ideas into practice and start sharing all of those ideas. Stay tuned!

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