August 1, 2016

July Recap

Hello, August! I think it's just me, but I feel like the month of July was endless. I got back from Paris and then started packing for our move. The rest of the month felt like I was living in limbo, with half of my life in boxes and my apartment completely full of boxes. We moved into our new place this weekend, and while we're far from being settled in, I'm hoping the dysfunctionality that has marked my last few weeks has come to an end!

The Month in Numbers:

Miles Run: 61

Minutes of Yoga: 170 

Number of Spin Classes: 3

Books Read: Three (all audiobooks!)
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Trips Taken: One - Paris! Posts coming this week!

Blog Posts Written: Three =(

30 Before 30 Items Completed: 0

Highlights: Paris

Lowlights: Moving (I love, love, love our new space, but moving was pretty terrible.)

The Month Ahead:

We have so much going on this month! I'm heading to Seattle and Vancouver for Sea Wheeze, I'm making a trip home to NJ (and hoping to get some beach time in!), and we're going to a wedding at the end of the month. On top of that, I'm jumping from Sea Wheeze training right into training for the Richmond full. 

As far as goals go, I want to get completely settled in my new apartment, get back to blogging regularly (and explain why my posts have been so infrequent!), start cooking my way through a cookbook (another 30 Before 30 item!), and run a strong race in Vancouver!

How did the month of July shape up for you?
What are you looking forward to in August?
What are some of your tips for getting settled in after a move?

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