January 19, 2016

Weekly Workouts 3

Throughout this entire"Yoga Camp," each practice focuses on a mantra. Two of the mantras this week were "I release" and "Go with the flow." I can be really hard on myself when I miss a workout, especially when I'm in training, but this week, I had to respect my body's limitations, let it go, and go with the flow. 

Monday: 40 minutes of yoga

Tuesday: 25 minutes of yoga. The practice was 45 minutes long but I wasn't feeling well at all. I had this strange stomach pain but wanted to try to practice anyway, thinking it might help in some way, but it didn't.

Wednesday: As much as I tried, I just couldn't practice. My 30-day yoga streak came to an end on Day 12.

Thursday: Finally feeling better, I finished the practice I didn't get to on Tuesday and did Wednesday's practice as well, totaling an hour.

Friday: 35 minutes of yoga

Saturday: 30 minutes of yoga

Sunday: 1 hour of yoga (two practices)

I didn't run once last week. Monday was supposed to be a rest day and I wasn't feeling well on Tuesday or Wednesday. I felt well enough for yoga on Thursday but not well enough to run and then I was traveling this weekend.

I could say that it's ok that I didn't run this week because I'm not training for anything right now, but I think what's more important is that I learned that sometimes we get sick, and we have to release any expectations and just go with the flow. I'm happy that I still made it to the mat six times last week, and this week, I'll get back on the road (or, more likely, the treadmill since it currently "feels like" it's 4 degrees outside).

I might not be training right now, but this challenge is helping me prepare for training, because I'll carry the mantras, lessons, balance and strength I'm learning and gaining from this challenge into my next training cycle, and I know I'll be a better, stronger runner because of it.

Looking for more weekly workout inspiration? This week, I recommend:

Megan @ Run Megan Run

They had tough weeks as well, but they were both able to find the silver lining and their recaps shed some light on my own tough week! 

How did your week go?
How do you come back from a week that didn't go as planned?

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