May 7, 2015


Feeling... disturbed. The Pilot and I watched The Boy in the Striped Pajamas last night and my goodness it was disturbing...not just in the this-is-a-movie-about-the-Holocaust sense, but in the sense that it was a historically inaccurate work of fiction and that nothing like this happened during the Holocaust which made the ending really twisted. I had been planning on reading the book and I definitely won't be now. I've read equally terrible reviews for the book as for the movie.

Reading... "Last Train to Istanbul" by Ayse Kulin. I didn't realize this book was about WWII when I picked it up but it's really good. It's a fictional story about two sisters who are separated after one of them is disowned by her family for marrying a Jewish man. What I find most fascinating though is that a central premise of the story deals with Turkey's diplomatic relations with France during WWII and how they fought to protect their Jewish citizens living in Europe. I really like it so far.

Watching... nothing that really excites me right now.

Thinking about... all of the blog posts sitting in my drafts folder that I haven't published. I was sick earlier this week and have had a lot of stuff going on and haven't gotten around to writing them. So, while I was on the quiet side this week, I've got some great posts planned for the coming weeks!

Working on... my marathon training plan. I found one that I'm happy enough with. I need to change some things around with the distances of my long runs plus how I'll be handling step back weeks and incorporating way more cross training, but I'm excited about it. I also had the great idea yesterday that a few times a week, I should take the stairs up to my 12th floor office as a form of cross-training. I have no idea whether or not I'm serious.

Needing... to run twice this week. Last week, I ran once. I haven't run this week. I was sick again on Monday and Tuesday (why am I always sick?!) and haven't gotten out there this week. I'm craving a good run but if I ease into this training plan by building up the frequency of my runs while building up the distance, I think that's a pretty good plan too.

Loving... this chickpea + farro salad. I made it for lunch yesterday and left some in the fridge for The Pilot and then he raved about it for the rest of the day. It took forever to make but my goodness, it's delicious. Farro may be my new favorite thing.

Excited about... summer. I've said this before and I'll say it again. There's no such thing as spring. There aren't 4 seasons, there are 3. We went from 40 degree mornings and still wearing jackets to summer and the 80s and I love it. I'll take the heat any day of the week. No jackets? I've worn a skirt or dress every day this week and I couldn't be happier. Now, I just need to start taking advantage of this weather to get some awesome sweaty runs in. I love it.

What are you excited about this week?
What's on your list?

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